tve: Corporate Sustainability Film Awards 2012

tve (Television for the Environment) will be hosting its first corporate sustainability film awards on 18th October 2012 at the prestigious BAFTA headquarters in Piccadilly, London. tve want to see the Awards become hallmarks for companies who are using film to share innovative sustainability ideas, inspiring change for a greener, fairer world; and acknowledging the invaluable work carried out by companies championing sustainability worldwide. Inspirational figures in the sustainability sector, film production, and not for profit joined yesterday ‘s guest judging panel to share their expertise and experience, including Karin Laljani, MD of Corporate Citizenship ( . Karin says; “There were some excellent examples of sustainability integrated into business practices and creative ways of using film to demonstrate this”.

tve is an award-winning charity, set up in 1984 by the United Nations Environment Programme, WWF and the UK broadcaster Central Television ( tve’s aim for the Awards is to inspire and encourage companies globally to use the most popular of media - film and animation - to share best practice on their corporate sustainability initiatives. Cheryl Campbell, tve’s executive director says: “We are excited about the opportunities for inspiring change that these new awards will bring for many years to come. The Awards evening on October 18th will give the audience a change to see the innovative approaches some companies are taking to sustainability”. For more information, please visit:

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