UBM to hold Asian Paper event in Indonesia

The organiser of Asian Paper, UBM Media (Singapore) Pte Ltd is answering the call to advance the show into Indonesia as its latest addition to the portfolio, due to popular demand and strong market responses.

As the largest ASEAN pulp, paper and board event, Asian Paper Jakarta 2015 will incorporate a comprehensive range of New Product Technology (and paper machinery), and a Paper Products Fair highlighting a wide variety of paper products. Esteemed suppliers of specialty paper, packaging and board suppliers, amongst others are expected to join the extensive list of exhibitors.

Asian Paper’s highly profiled New Applied Technology (NAT) Conference will be held in parallel with the exhibition, focusing on strategic discussions on the industry’s latest technical applications. This must-attend conference provides additional platform for attendees to exchange ideas and network with industry experts from the Pulp, Paper and Board industry.

Plans for country pavilions – by China, Finland, France, India and others – to be represented at Asian Paper Jakarta 2015 are in discussion with the relevant representatives. The planning for a new Nanotechnology Pavilion is also in progress – showcasing its importance, especially in terms of revitalising the paper-making process to be effectively sustainable, amazingly durable (think antibacterial, waterproof, magnetic and even fluorescent) and bringing about multiple enhancements for people and the environment.

To top it off, Asian Paper Jakarta 2015 will also launch the Business Matching Programme, Hosted Buyer Programme, and VIP Programme as well as arrange for a Mill Visit Day to enable the fair’s attendees to reap more benefit from the 3 days event.

Exhibition space is limited and offered on a first-come first-served basis. For more information on Asian Paper, please visit www.asianpapershow.com.

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