UNIDO reflects on history of its development cooperation with China

A new publication reflects historic milestones, modern initiatives and successes of cooperation between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the People’s Republic of China.

China has been a member of UNIDO since 1972. Ever since, together they have implemented hundreds of technical cooperation projects in and outside the country to support the Organization’s mandate of promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID).

China benefitted from UNIDO’s expertise in the areas of technology and knowledge transfer, skills development, institutional capacity-building, trade and investment promotion, resource efficiency, cleaner production and energy management.

Starting off as a recipient of UNIDO capacity-building assistance, China has radically enhanced its productive capacities and transformed its economy to achieve impressive growth and start exporting its technologies and development experience.

UNIDO has partnered with leading institutions in China, resulting in the successful implementation of projects in China and other developing countries, including LDCs.

The UNIDO-China cooperation focuses on food safety and green industry, as well as on international cooperation on productive capacities. Recent Chinese initiatives help developing countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and contribute to international development and global prosperity.

Read the full publication here: Marking the 50th Anniversary of UNIDO: UNIDO-China cooperation

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