Hong Kong Berita

A-list 2025
The award recognises outstanding professionals and youths in Asia Pacific who are driving change across policy, business and society. Judges say clarity of vision and strength in project execution are key attributes they will look out for.
Hong Kong Exchange Square
Paul Chow, group CSO of the city's bourse operator, drew parallels between Hong Kong and Singapore, which he says has implemented top-level initiatives to price carbon and govern emissions trading. The city also needs to boost its relevance as a 'super-connector' for China, say panellists at the ASIFMA annual conference.
Typhoon Man-yi, Philippines, satellite
These include typhoons which struck the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong last year. But despite massive supply chain disruptions worldwide, emission intensities of global shipping operations improved in 2024, reflecting upgraded efficiencies of the sector, found a report by technology firm Vesselbot.
Scrapping old ships cuts planet-heating emissions, but the risks to people and planet are significant, too.
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Hong Kong Opini

Hong Kong's financed emissions are eleven times that of its total emissions - with most of those emissions the result of investments in mainland China. Financial institutions must be engaged as part of Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan, which is due for revision by next year.
Two experts call on companies to calculate and report Scope 3 emissions along their value chain as soon as possible.
Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
Victoria Peak_Hong Kong
The task of decarbonising Asia Pacific economies may seem daunting, but climate-related investment tools can help governments and industries navigate the transition.
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Hong Kong Video

Simon Lord and Pamela Mar on Sustainability One on One
In the first in a new video series where sustainability leaders interview each other about the toughest things about their jobs, Simon Lord of Malaysian palm oil giant Sime Darby Plantation went head to head with Pamela Mar of Hong Kong-based textile and apparel giant Fung Group.
EB team yay
An independent media organisation in a tough industry, Eco-Business has striven to be Asia Pacific’s go-to source for all things sustainable business. To mark our seventh birthday, we've put together a video about our work and how we define purposeful journalism.
HK Ivory Trade soon to stop
Hong Kong government’s three-step plan to ban ivory trade by 2021 received the go-ahead from the Chief Executive in Council, and the legislature amendments will be tabled before the Legislative Council in the first half of 2017.
hk ivory trade
Non-profit groups WildAid and African Wildlife Foundation have released a video containing undercover footage, exposing ivory laundering in Hong Kong and the loopholes in its regulations on smuggled tusks.
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Hong Kong Podcasts

Jessica Cheam, Mervyn Tang and Jocelyn Dove speaking at the Sharpening the ESG focus 2025 event
Trump 2.0 may prove to be a "bump in the road" for climate action, but banks and investors in Asia see growth and opportunity in the region for decarbonisation as climate risks grow.
Action against greenwashing in Asia
Japan-based academic Kim Schumacher, who coined the term "competence greenwashing", believes that the pursuit of societal harmony might be standing in the way of Asia calling out greenwashing. He tells the Eco-Business Podcast how exaggerated ESG claims are likely to be tackled in 2023 and beyond.
Air pollution in Beijing
Has Covid-19 really improved air quality? Eco-Business spoke to air pollution epidemiologist Dr Vivian Pun about the real air quality story behind the pandemic, and what the virus is telling us about tackling the world's most underrated environmental issue.
People using ATM machines in Singapore. Image: Robin Hicks/Eco-Business
Fossil fuels, tobacco, weapons—our banks could be spending our money on things we don't want them to. Eco-Business talks to finance expert Mayur Singh about why consumers in Asia should asking banks how they spend their money.
Semua Hong Kong Podcast →
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