Riset / Pangan & Agrikultur

How can Indonesia achieve water, energy and food security?
This briefing note outlines the challenges and opportunities for Indonesia to achieve water, energy and food security targets in ways that align with its long term development strategy. A water-energy-food …
Aceh and the archipelago economy: Protecting forests for water, energy and food security
A series of studies were undertaken in Aceh to explore some the challenges facing the province, as they work towards meeting the goals of the medium-term development plan (RPJMN) without …
Efficient agriculture, stronger economies in ASEAN
This paper aims to provide policy makers with an overview of how different organizations and sectors perceive the challenges and opportunities of sustainable agriculture in ASEAN and its contribution to …
Go haze-free for Singapore
The annual haze that chokes Southeast Asia has often been blamed on palm oil. Yet, companies in Singapore continue to use palm oil to produce a wide range of products …
Achieving zero (net) deforestation commitments
The report entitled "Achieving Zero (Net) Deforestation Commitments: What it means and how to get there" charts how to realise corporate 'Zero Deforestation Pledges' and widen global support for them.
The State of Urban Beekeeping in Hotels 2014
Greenview conducted an industry-wide study to better understand the growing trend of hive hotels-urban beekeeping properties.
Natural capital risk exposure of the financial sector in Brazil: Full report
Brazil's financial sector is dependent on natural capital to support economic growth and ensure future returns for investors. Nature's assets are abundant in Brazil, from its farmland, forests and energy …
The energy, water, food nexus
With the world's population expected to reach over eight billion by 2030 and an increasingly prosperous middle class, Conservation International (CI) understands that one of the greatest global challenges is …
Nurturing partnerships: A process of cross-fertilisation to strengthen Asian food security
The Aid & International Development Forum report has been produced based on contributions from world-leading experts including FAO, ADB, UNESCAP, WFP, GAIN, IRRI and others.
Inclusive business in Asia: A case study of cocoa
This report by CSR Asia is based on a range of different research studies as well as in-depth interviews with key stakeholders.
Valuing Nature for the Benefit of the Environment and Business
Just as an individual's wealth is a measure of their income and assets, Conservation International (CI) believes that part of society's assets is its natural resources. While it is easy …
Expect the Unexpected: Building Business Value in a Changing World, Part 3
In this report we offer a starting point for discussion. We present a system of ten sustainability megaforces that will impact each and every business over the next 20 years. …
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