Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index

Drawing on a variety of experiences in developing models to evaluate sustainability and risk modelling tools, SolAbility has developed a model to measure the level of sustainable development, “Sustainable Competitiveness” of nations, based on 4 pillars: Natural Capital, Resource Intensity and Efficiency, Sustainable Innovation Competitiveness, and Social Cohesion.

Data collected by the World Bank, the IMF and various UN has been analysed to calculate a sustainable competitiveness score. The data has been compared for 176 countries around the World to establish the Global Sustainable Competitiveness Ranking. Key findings include:

  • The Sustainable Competitiveness Index is topped by the Scandinavian countries, followed by North-Western European Nations
  • The Natural Capital and Resource Intensity rankings are led by less known countries with a rich biodiversity, favourable climate and sufficient water resources. Clear distinctions are visible between the more industrialised countries, indicating that some countries will face lower obstacles with the coming raw material and energy scarcity than low-efficient countries
  • Asian nations (Singapore, China, Japan, South Korea) top the Sustainable Innovation Competitiveness ranking. However, achieving sustainable development for these countries might be compromised by Natural Capital constraints and current high resource intensity/low resource efficiency
  • The Social Cohesion ranking is headed by Northern European and Scandinavian countries, indicating that Social Cohesion is the result of economic growth combined with social consensus

The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Report can be downloaded here.

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