Riset / Korea Selatan

The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2019
Measuring Sustainable Competitiveness: The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index (GSCI) is based on quantitative indicators grouped in 5 pillars that define the competitiveness of a nation: natural capital, resource intensity, social …
Asian Consumers need more affordable access to healthy and sustainable living
Unsustainable lifestyles in Asia are a concern for everyone; it counts 20 of the most polluted cities in the world, of which 13 are in India. Yet, air pollution wasn't …
State of the World's Birds 2018—taking the pulse of the planet
With the tagline "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", State of the World's Birds is a major global assessment that uses bird species to measure the health of our ecosystems …
Corporate Sustainability Korea: Performance & Trends 2013
The results of the 6th annual Korean ESG review show that management awareness for sustainability management has been further increasing, accelerated strongly since the financial crises of 2008/2009. However, certain …
Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index
Drawing on a variety of experiences in developing models to evaluate sustainability and risk modelling tools, SolAbility has developed a model to measure the level of sustainable development, "Sustainable Competitiveness" …
The 5th annual Korean ESG review: Sustainability & stock returns - the correlation
The price returns of Korea's most sustainable companies since 2007 proof beyond doubt that sustainable investment is profitable, given the right research approach.
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