Riset / #climate science

Charting Asia's protein journey

Pangan & Agrikultur

Charting Asia's protein journey

Higher urbanisation rates and growing wealth in emerging Asian countries are expected to drive demand for meat and seafood in Asia. However, the unconstrained growth in consumption of meat and …
Climate costs for Asia-Pacific ports
The report sets out cost projections for elevating ports in Asia Pacific to withstand climate change risks from rising sea levels and greater storm intensity. It finds costs between US$31 …
Behaviour change—save nature please
Human behaviour - including how we interact with nature - is complex, influenced by many different social, economic and cultural factors unique to individuals, communities and nations. Now help is …
The business case for natural climate solutions: Insights and opportunities for Southeast Asia
Nature already mitigates a significant portion of man-made GHG emissions; approximately a quarter of these emissions are absorbed by trees, plants, and soil, while another quarter is absorbed into marine …
IPCC special insight briefing and Climate science five-part series
The Climate Group has written a five-part briefing series covering the basics of climate science, ahead of our live broadcast with authors of the anticipated IPCC report, which will be …
Report warns of ways climate change threatens food security of urban poor
Increasing food production is the main policy prescription for addressing food security, but this neglects the crucial importance of access and affordability for low-income urban residents. This according to the …
The Emissions Gap Report 2012
About the Report
PwC Low Carbon Economy Index 2012: Too late for two degrees?
The annual PwC Low Carbon Economy Index centres on one core statistic: the rate of change of global carbon intensity. This year we estimated that the required improvement in global carbon intensity to meet a 2ºC warming target has risen to 5.1 per...
Climate risk and adaptation in the electric power sector
This report aims to highlight and raise awareness on the exposure and vulnerability of the energy sector to climate change. It also identifies adaptation options available to each source of …
State of the Planet Declaration

Kebijakan & Keuangan

State of the Planet Declaration

Scientists issue first "State of the Planet" declaration at the world's largest gathering of experts on global environmental and social issues in advance of the major UN Summit Rio+20 in …
Urban adaptation planning: the use and limits of climate science
A new report published by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and written by authors David Dodman and JoAnn Carmin, examines current and best practices of urban leaders' …
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