Riset / #ESG

From 2022 to 2023: top sustainability stories in 2022 and implications in the new year
2022—a year of ongoing uncertainties as the Covid-19 pandemic rages on, geopolitical tension, and the global energy crisis from the Russian-Ukraine conflict formed the backdrop for the global ESG developments.
Are EVs meeting ESG standards?

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Are EVs meeting ESG standards?

Electric vehicles (EV) are rising in popularity in recent years, replacing traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles that rely on fossil fuels. A growing number of both developed and developing …
Lego and the toy makers: How sustainability comes to play land
In this report, we aim to research LEGO's ESG performance when compared with other toy makers in the industry by examining their environmental (including carbon emissions), social and governance initiatives. …
eBook: Key trends in anti-bribery & anti-corruption in 2022 & beyond
eBook: Key trends in anti-bribery & anti-corruption in 2022 & beyondWhen 2019 ended, we bid farewell to another decade, but little did we know what the following year had in …
The carbon reduction opportunity of moving to the cloud for APAC
A move to the cloud should be a part of any organization's sustainability strategy as a major source of energy use and carbon emissions for enterprises and public sector organizations …
Empty nets: Overfishing risks

Pangan & Agrikultur

Empty nets: Overfishing risks

This briefing for investors and companies sets out the major categories of seafood sustainability risks. It presents the results of a disclosure review of the steps that leading retailers and …
Public-private partnerships for social good
There is a growing trend in Asia of governments and the private sector coming together to address social needs, and CAPS' latest study spotlights these "public-private partnerships for social good." …
Wunderman Thompson launches regeneration rising: Sustainable futures
Wunderman Thompson Launches Regeneration Rising: Sustainable FuturesNew research shows people want brands to lead the sustainable path to the future, with an opportunity to show leadership, build long-term resilience and …
The business case for natural climate solutions: Insights and opportunities for Southeast Asia
Nature already mitigates a significant portion of man-made GHG emissions; approximately a quarter of these emissions are absorbed by trees, plants, and soil, while another quarter is absorbed into marine …
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Report 2020
GDP and other economic measurements do not fully reflect current state of affairs and future development potential. Based on 127 quantitative data indicators, the Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index evaluates performance …
Asia’s Dystopian Future?—Why banks need to put sustainable finance clearly In their sights
The Fair Finance Asia - SOMO report 'Asia's Dystopian Future? Why Banks Need To Put Sustainable Finance Clearly in Their Sights' exposes the environmental and social problems banks in FFA …
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