On November 27, 2024, Fair Finance Asia (FFA) launched a new report, Towards a Gender-Transformative Energy Transition in Asia, which reveals critical gaps in the consideration of gender equality and …
A new ground-breaking study launched by Eco-Business puts a spotlight on Southeast Asia's transition to the low carbon economy and identifies the top challenges for the region as insufficient regulation …
In the past few years, Indonesia has heavily relied on fossil fuel as the main energy source in all economic sectors, ranging from transportation, power plant, to household.
Black & Veatch's sixth annual Strategic Directions in the U.S. Electric Utility Industry Report shows that the electric utility industry is starting to change how it operates. Factors ranging from …
We all know that an electric vehicle has zero tailpipe emissions and the popular counter argument is usually "what about the emissions at the power station"? This Ecometrica paper answers …