The world is just five years away from a deadline to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, part of a comprehensive global blueprint to reconcile economic progress with environmental …
The Covid-19 pandemic has diverted resources from tackling rabies in Southeast Asia, where the disease has been spreading. This white paper investigates the prevalence of rabies in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, …
Filipinos consumed 2.15 million tonnes of plastic in 2019. Of this, only around 9 per cent were recycled, with 33 per cent being sent to sanitary landfills and open dumpsites. …
In this report, we reviewed the sustainability disclosures of A-share companies in 2021. Some of our key findings include: We found that 1412 A-share companies disclosed sustainability-related information in 2021, …
Marine biodiversity is in a monumental crisis. Despite more attention to understand the impacts of anthropogenic-driven climate change on land and marine biodiversity in recent years, the effects of climate …
The Natural Capital Index aims to measure the Natural Capital of a country. The Natural Capital of a country is the sum of the given physical environment and its climatic …
This briefing for investors and companies sets out the major categories of seafood sustainability risks. It presents the results of a disclosure review of the steps that leading retailers and …
Investors in Asia view animal protein consumption as an indicator of rising middle-class incomes across the region. Asian meat, egg, fish and dairy industries face a range of poorly managed …
This briefing for investors and companies sets out the major categories of seafood sustainability risks. It presents the results of a disclosure review of the steps that leading retailers and …
There is a growing trend in Asia of governments and the private sector coming together to address social needs, and CAPS' latest study spotlights these "public-private partnerships for social good." …
The production of meat is a resource-intensive process, requiring large amounts of water and land. As a whole, agriculture is also one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases, partially …