The Hidden Costs of Electricity

The new analysis, “The Hidden Costs of Electricity: Comparing the Hidden Costs of Power Generation Fuels,” is available online on the Civil Society Institute website.  Six fuels used to generate electricity —- biomass, coal, nuclear, natural gas, solar (photovoltaic and concentrating solar power), and wind (both onshore and offshore) - are analyzed in the following categories: water impacts, climate change impacts, air pollution impacts, planning and cost risk, subsidies and tax incentives, land impacts, and other impacts.


Based in Newton, MA., the nonprofit and nonpartisan Civil Society Institute ( is a think tank that serves as a catalyst for change by creating problem-solving interactions among people, and between communities, government and business that can help to improve society.

EWG is a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C. that uses the power of information to protect human health and the environment.

Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. ( provides research, testimony, reports and regulatory support on energy, economic, and environmental topics. Synapse assesses the implications of electricity and natural gas industry planning, regulation and restructuring. Their work covers various interrelated issues such as transmission planning, service reliability, siting, fuel diversity, resource planning, financial and economic risks, renewable energy potential and renewable portfolio standards, energy efficiency, electricity modeling, portfolio management, customer service and more.

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