Unlocking capital for sustainability 2023 Insights report: Enabling an equitable transition

Unlocking capital for sustainability 2023 Insights report: Enabling an equitable transition

Conversation highlights

Asia’s net-zero transition requires between US$26 trillion and US$37 trillion in investments over the next three decades to meet the Paris Agreement targets, according to the Asian Investor Group of Climate Change (AIGCC).

But against the backdrop of volatile global macroeconomic conditions and geopolitical ruptures, closing the region’s trillion-dollar climate financing gap is becoming increasingly elusive, despite being high on the international agenda.

Leaders and decision-makers from the government, financial institutions and civil society across the region convened at Unlocking capital for sustainability 2023 to discuss the types of financing structures and partnerships needed to hasten Asia’s shift to clean energy, while ensuring that the need for a just transition to minimise economic hardship for communities and workers is not used as an excuse to delay ambitious climate action.

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