#students Berita

The Philippines is extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change and its students are among those paying the highest price.
Three years ago, Nepal included climate in its national education goals for the first time. But understanding remains poor among many children in the vulnerable mountain nation.
Tan Shi Zhou
On-campus activism could sometimes be viewed with suspicion in the Singapore varsities. For Tan, who played an important role in helping set up Singapore's Inter-University Environmental Coalition, constant conversation with the establishment, rather than confrontation, can help all sides see one another's perspective.
Studio EB Heightened instability in Myanmar has landed the country in deeper energy poverty. Clean energy advocates like Zun Moe Thiri are working against difficult realities to push for wider electrification efforts.
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#students Opini

EB Impact_SG Go Green_panel_youth
They say access to information on sustainability is easy, anyone seems to be able to claim to be an expert on climate issues, and it is challenging to build a specific niche. What keeps them going then?
fossil free future sg
In Asian universities, students often have little say about what happens on campus. As student divestment groups in the region gain momentum, it’s time for universities to listen to what their students have to say about issues that will affect their future.
Harvard divest
Despite the increasing urgency of the climate crisis, many of the world’s most powerful financial actors have continued to invest in the fossil-fuel industry. But a new trend in the law is forcing institutional investors to decarbonise their portfolios – or be held legally accountable.
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#students Podcasts

Izzy Raj-Seppings
In its latest case, an Australian law firm is representing 8 students and a nun as they fight a decision to build a coal mine on climate grounds. Eco-Business spoke to lawyer David Barnden about winning the legal case against climate change.
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