Hot air? Vietnam’s wind energy story

Vietnam’s wind market is thriving, but more work lies ahead if the country wants to power its booming economy without imperilling its people and the planet.

Wind power is taking Vietnam by storm. Even as much of Southeast Asia continues to drag its heels on the switch to renewables, the country is powering ahead with its clean energy plans, securing its position as the region’s hottest wind market.

But despite the nation’s remarkable clean energy efforts, coal is still king in its electricity mix. Powering its booming economy without imperilling the climate and its people is a major challenge facing Vietnam.

Recent steps the country has taken are reasons for hope that it is on the right track, but more work lies ahead if Vietnam’s wind market is to flourish in the years to come. Watch this video to find out how Vietnam is winning with wind energy, and what the nation can do to quicken the pace of its renewables story even more.

This video is part of Eco-Business’s series on Southeast Asia’s clean energy transition

Production by Philip Amiote

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