Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Americas

The unique two-track conference programme, with joint plenary sessions, delivering a leading line up of international experts to discuss securing America’s critical infrastructure, from both physical and cyber perspectives.

Critical Infrastructure ProtectionWith much focus on convergence, the CIP track of the programme delivers discussions to review the potential threats to critical infrastructure, smart construction and building in security resilience, and a focus on key elements of a countries economic activity.

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
With the ever increasing threat from cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, the information and data stored and used by CNI systems and operators can be more crucial than the system itself. CIIP is becoming ever more important as part of the cyber security strategy of an organisation or CNI operator.

With a unique conference programme set-up, providing enhanced opportunities for discussions between the physical infrastructure and cyber security, who need to work together to mitigate threats and attacks in our combined plenary sessions, as well as focussed discussions within each discipline in the individual CIP and CIIP tracks.

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Neil Walker
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