Clenergy Included on SolarStar’s top ten solar mounting enterprises

SolarStar, China’s leading solar PV media firm recently released its annual Top Ten list of Chinese solar companies. SolarStar listed Clenergy as a Top Ten Solar Mounting System Enterprise and a Top Ten Solar Supporting Enterprise, based on its outstanding market performance in the previous year.

The list of winners is the result of online voting by the general public and is determined by market performance and industrial performance.

Winning the prizes is another significant achievement for Clenergy, which also made it to Shine Magazine’s top ten list for mounting system enterprises. The achievement is a further recognition of Clenergy’s leading market place and its contributions to the industry.

As a dedicated solar PV company, Clenergy has long been devoted to the global promotion of clean energy. Clenergy’s major products include solar PV mounting products and inverters which address the needs of commercial and utility scale applications. The company’s traditionally solid mounting system business maintained strong momentum, while its global installation volume notched strong double-digit growth.

Clenergy’s products have been proven to survive major natural disasters thanks to their robust design, excellent quality and compliance to local building standards.

Clenergy successfully debuted last year in the field of Clean Energy Investment and Solar Project Services. Prior to that, Clenergy’s products have been widely applied in projects around the world. Noteworthy projects include the Australian Parliament House project, a 38.7MW ground mount project in California’s Central Valley, and an 8.9MW ground mount PV project in Sumoto, Japan. Domestic projects in China are spread throughout central and northwestern parts of the country.

Looking ahead, Clenergy will continue to uphold its commitment to quality, innovation and service. Clenergy remains dedicated to reaching new heights in quality mounting systems, Clean Energy Investment and Solar Project Services.

About Clenergy

Clenergy ( is a technology company in the solar PV industry, with its headquarters in Xiamen, China, and branch offices in Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and a regional office in Malaysia. Clenergy designs, manufactures and distributes a range of renewable energy products, including solar PV mounting products, inverters and power electronic equipment, which address the needs of residential, commercial and utility scale customers.

Clenergy is an ISO 9001 accredited company and all of its products comply with international standards. It is through its focus on innovation, quality and service that Clenergy has achieved rapid growth and built a strong international reputation. Clenergy’s products and solutions are marketed and distributed through a worldwide network of strategic partners and distributors. For more information, please visit

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