Positive Energy Ltd. wins the StartCon ‘Pitch for $1 Million’ regional final in Singapore for its breakthrough technology in renewable energy finance

Positive Energy Ltd. wins the StartCon ‘Pitch for $1 Million’ regional final  in Singapore for its breakthrough technology in renewable energy finance

Team secures top spot at the Grand Finals held in Sydney in Nov 2018.

Positive Energy Ltd. fetched first prize on Friday 19th of Oct 2018 for its Renewable Energy finance platform designed to accelerate and streamline project sourcing, due diligence, funding and trading.

The event held in Singapore is part of Asia Pacific’s largest start up pitch contest attracting more than 600 start ups and 400 investors from 15 different cities (https://www.startcon.com/). Positive Energy Ltd. achieved first place competing against 40 local tech startups showcasing some of the fastest-growing and most exciting initiatives.

“We are honored to receive this award. This new success -within weeks of winning the Schneider Electric Big Ideas competition last September- demonstrates the relevance and viability of our solution and business model for the industry and investors.

Unleashing funds to support viable renewable energy projects is the key to achieving a sustainable future. Our innovative marketplace eliminates the roadblocks preventing small to mid size renewable energy projects from getting funded by bringing together capital and project developers and streamlining the entire workflow from due diligence to asset trading. We are thankful to Startcon and their partner Right Click Capital for giving us the opportunity to participate at their grand final in Sydney next month where we intend to demonstrate the positive contribution our technology can bring to the industry and the world at large”. Vincent Bakker, Co-Founder & CFO / Project Finance | Positive Energy Ltd.

About Positive Energy Ltd.

Positive Energy Ltd. is a Fintech company based in Singapore. Our mission is to reimagine the energy funding process to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy assets globally. We provide a Blockchain based asset financing, trading and management platform that digitizes the transaction workflow making green investments fast, liquid and economically viable for all parties involved. We focus on small to mid-size renewable energy projects. These projects are the driver of regional electrification and greener energy representing 25% of all installed capacity, yet due to their size are hard to finance with traditional project finance approaches. Our platform simplifies renewable energy investments with digital project listings, digital due data room and standardised workflow for due diligence and third party certification services.



Contact: Nicolas Payen, Co-Founder & CEO | Positive Energy Ltd.
Mobile: +65 8504 0284
E-mail: nicolas@positiveenergylimited.com

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