Medilyn Manibo


Medilyn Mañibo is based in the island of Mindoro, Philippines. She has lived and worked with online media in Dubai for seven years. Her interests in science and development, and the impact of businesses to the environment led her to a memorable visit to Jordan under the sponsorship of the United Nations University, solidifying her resolve to focus on environment reporting. She has written stories from the UAE on green buildings, renewable energy, CSR, sustainability and social entrepreneurship.

By Medilyn Manibo

4 五月 2016

21 四月 2016

1 四月 2016

17 三月 2016

11 三月 2016

29 二月 2016

26 二月 2016

23 二月 2016

15 二月 2016

27 一月 2016

15 一月 2016

8 一月 2016

31 十二月 2015

30 十二月 2015

7 十二月 2015

1 十二月 2015

27 十一月 2015

17 十一月 2015

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