John Elkington

Founding Partner & Executive Chairman of Volans (2008 to date) also Co-founder of SustainAbility (1987-2008, where he remains a non-executive member of the Board) and of Environmental Data Services (ENDS, 1978), John Elkington is a world authority on corporate responsibility and sustainable development. In 2004, BusinessWeek described him as “a dean of the corporate responsibility movement for three decades.” His first involvement in the field: raising money for the newly formed World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in 1961, aged 11.

In 2008, The Evening Standard named John among the ‘1000 Most Influential People’ in London, describing him as “a true green business guru,” and as “an evangelist for corporate social and environmental responsibility long before it was fashionable.” In 2009, a CSR International survey of the Top 100 CSR leaders placed John fourth: after Al Gore, Barack Obama and the late Anita Roddick of the Body Shop, and alongside Muhammad Yunus of the Grameen Bank.

Volans, launched in April 2008, and is a future-focused business working at the intersection of the sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation movements. Volans applies thought leadership and global networks across these areas to develop solutions for entrepreneurs, businesses, governments and investors.

By John Elkington

19 六月 2017

11 四月 2017

14 二月 2017

20 十二月 2016

13 十月 2016

2 六月 2016

11 五月 2016

8 三月 2016

13 一月 2016

25 十一月 2015

12 十月 2015

9 九月 2015

11 八月 2015

2 六月 2015

20 五月 2015

11 三月 2015

6 二月 2015

25 三月 2013

23 七月 2012

2 一月 2012

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