Harjeet Singh

Harjeet Singh is the global lead on issues of climate change and resilience for ActionAid international. He is based in New Delhi, India and is responsible to support countries to understand, assess, and address the impacts of climate change on the poor and supporting them to build programmatic evidence, develop partnerships and undertake focused advocacy work nationally and internationally.
He has conducted sessions and trainings on emergency response, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in over 20 countries for government and non-government agencies and represented ActionAid in various international forums. He is also the founding board member of Alliance for Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in India.
Prior to this, he led the Tsunami Response Programme in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for ActionAid India. While Harjeet began his professional career as a management graduate with a short stint in the private sector, he shifted his interests to development sector and started his journey with a grassroots organisation.

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