Gareth Brydon Phillips

Gareth Brydon Phillips is Chief Climate and Green Growth Officer at the African Development Bank with leading experience in both forestry and climate change and a strong commitment to the concept of sustainability. Prior to joining the African Development Bank, Gareth was Chief Climate Change Officer at Sindicatum Sustainable Resources for 7 years and previously worked at SGS where he was responsible for obtaining and maintaining accreditation for, inter alia, CDM, EU ETS, UK ETS validation and verification services.

Whilst at SGS, Gareth also worked as a Lead Assessor for Forest Stewardship Council certification and evaluation of carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems.

Gareth is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters and his qualifications include a Master’s degree in Forestry and Landuse from the University of Oxford and an Honours degree (1st Class) in Forestry from the University of Aberdeen.

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