2nd Women in HR, Learning and Organisational Development Leadership Summit 2016

An Inspiring Learning and Networking Opportunity for Female Leaders in Human Resources, Learning and Organisational Development

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TEAM BOOKINGS Receive a 20% discount when booking a team of 8 to attend, please call: +61 2 8239 9711 or email: registration@liquidlearning.com.au

Liquid Learning is proud to present the 2nd Women in Human Resources, Learning and Organisational Development Leadership Summit - A professional development and networking opportunity for emerging, established, and existing leaders in the Human Resources space.Leaders with Human Resources and related roles will present case studies and draw on their leadership journeys to highlight the unique characteristics and skills required to progress into senior leadership positions. Upcoming and existing female leaders will have the opportunity to learn from those who have developed strategies and techniques to realise their leadership potential.

This is a unique opportunity for women in Human Resources and any people focused role, to discuss career challenges in the unique context of their chosen profession. The Women in Human Resources, Learning and Organisational Development Summit 2016 will help women to develop their skills, share their experiences and build their professional networks in order to fulfil their career aspirations and achieve professional success and satisfaction.

Register team members early to secure places at this ground breaking event!

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