3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Energy Storage and Microgrids in India

India is poised for rapid adoption of energy storage and microgrid technologies in the coming decade. Push starts from year 2015!

Outlook is positive and opportunities abound in fast-growing market

Energy storage technologies are gaining recognition as the key enabler for key priorities for Indian policy makers such as smart cities, renewable integration and energy access. Government of India has announced series of initiatives in past 6 months that have a direct impact on opportunities for this sector. These include:

  • Enhancing the target for National Solar Mission from 20 GW to 100 GW
  • Accelerating wind energy adoption to 10 GW / year
  • Plans to supply electricity 24/7 to all parts of India in five years
  • Launch of Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) for rural electrification
  • Plan to build 100 Smart Cities and over 1000 microgrids
  • Creation of National Standing Committee on Energy Storage and Hybrid systems by Ministry of new and Renewable
  • Energy


Shradha Malik
[javascript protected email address]

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