The conference will bring together business representatives, Non-Government organizations, Consultants, Researchers, Academicians, Students and representatives from other elements of civil society to discuss a broad array of topics related to corporate social responsibility across the various parts of the world. Conference organizers welcome paper/case study/poster submissions from all disciplines on topics including but not limited to:
- Human Rights and Business Sustainability
- Workplace safety
- Socially responsible products
- Low-Carbon Energy and Sustainable Industry
- Challenges of Social Inclusion: Gender, Inequalities, and Human Rights
- Child Labor, Forced Labor and Labor Trafficking
- Reconciling the Interests of Management and Workers
- CSR Issues relating to Multinational Enterprises
- Mining and Sustainability Principles
- Supply Chain Sustainability
- The Role of Governments in Business
- Woman rights and workplace environment
- Waste Management
- Self-Regulations, Codes of Conduct & Voluntary Compliance
- Corporate Graft and Whistleblowers
- The Role of NGOs and other Elements of Civil Society
- Global Governance and Corporate Liability
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Triple Bottom Line: The Importance and opportunities
Contributions will be selected based on peer review by the Program Committee consisting of reputed academics, well-known practitioners and subject experts. Contributions should contain a clear problem statement; an outline; methodology and consistent rigor. Accepted papers will be made available to all conference attendees in the form of conference proceedings. An edited book volume will be published in the Annals of Information Systems series by Springer. This will consist of the selected papers from the conference submissions.
The papers can be submitted in the following three categories:
• Full Papers (5000 – 7000 words)
• Short Papers / Work in Progress (3000 – 5000 words)
• Poster Abstracts (Max 2 pages)
Important Dates:
Manuscripts Due: December 31, 2014
Acceptance/ review note: January 31, 2015
Camera Ready Submissions: March 1, 2015
Registration and poster proposal submission deadline: March 1, 2015
Best Student Paper Award
An award for best student paper submitted and presented will be given. The award will be presented during the closing ceremony of the conference. The paper should be written by the student participant her/ himself for consideration of this award. The paper may include the names of the supervisor (s) or other co-authors, however any contribution to the paper by other researchers should be clearly specified at the time of submission.
Contributions will be selected based on peer review by the Program Committee consisting of reputed academics, well-known practitioners and subject experts. Contributions should contain a clear problem statement; an outline; methodology and consistent rigor. Accepted papers will be made available to all conference attendees in the form of conference proceedings. An edited book volume will be published in the Annals of Information Systems series by Springer. This will consist of the selected papers from the conference submissions.
To submit a manuscript, please go to the Submission page at the conference website and select the Easychair Conference Management System Link. All submissions should be made via the easychair link:
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