7th Biodiesel CropSphere 2016

The 7th Biodiesel CropSphere 2016- Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme which is being held SEP 12- 16, 2016 at Jaipur, India, is mostly dedicated to multifeedstocks for building a sustainable biodiesel industry. The JatrophaWorld 2016 is designed to educate all stakeholders about the critical issue of availability of the right feedstock at the right cost to make biodiesel a long-term business opportunity. Global JatrophaWorld 2016 marks the 7th edition with resounding success.

The 7th Biodiesel CropSphere 2016 shall highlight how scientific selection of site and superior seed strain can ensure a successful fuel farm and can meet all three of the criteria any environmentally sustainable fuel must meet: social, technical and commercial. The invaluable insights provided by experts/scientists will help our trainees to better understand the sustainability of this potential jet fuel source.

Secure your registration for 7th 5-day Global Jatropha 3.0 Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme in India from September 12-16, 2016 today as seats are limited. 

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