7th Energy Storage World Forum

7th Energy Storage World Forum: - London

Dufresne, the producer of 6 successful Energy Storage World Forums now presents the 7th Energy Storage World Forum in London. Each year, more than 25 of the world’s leading utilities/TSOs/DSOs gather at our Forum to shape the future of energy storage.

Our past 6 Forums had in total 1300+ attendees including more than 43 leading utilities such as EDF, E.ON, ENBW, RWE, GDF SUEZ, TERNA, DONG ENERGY, CHINA STATE GRID, ENEL, with participants from over 70 countries.


  • 29 sponsors and exhibitors
  • More than 96 hours of networking time; 16 hours during each of the Forums
  • 1200+ meetings initiated between participants of our Forums
  • 50+ speakers including more than 15 utilities presenting
  • 2 workshops

The 7th Energy Storage World Forum will be a three-day event where you can network with a multitude of energy storage industry professionals and end-users of the various industries. Various topics pertaining to the industry’s current concerns such as the business case of using different applications of technologies including: Flywheel, Li-ion, CAES, Flow Battery, Hydrogen, Supercapacitors and new alternative technologies, government and policy, area regulation, and the role of wind, solar and power electronics will be discussed.

Download the programme here:


For more information about the Forum, kindly visit our website here:


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