Affordable Housing Australia

The Affordable Housing Australia will create a one stop shop for all stakeholders to discuss and deliberate on the challenges facing them and brainstorm innovative ideas by generating sustainable practices that are proven in the development of housing. This highly-interactive and information packed event will highlight case studies from some of the finest and at the same time provide an excellent networking platform for the public and private sectors, global professionals and industry leaders who are all directly involved with the growth and development of affordable housing, enabling Australia to overcome the unaffordability issue they are currently facing.

Key Topics

  • Disability Housing – Assessing the Impact that Housing Assistance has on Social Inclusion for People with Disabilities
  • Affordable Housing – A Fact or Fiction? Discussing the Major Initiatives taken by Governments to make Affordable Housing really ‘Affordable’ to End Users
  • Fostering an Affordable Rental and Social Housing Market to Cater to the Unmet Demand of the Growing Population in High Density Cities
  • Engaging Sub-sovereign Governments in Financing the Delivery of Affordable Housing
  • Funding Models for Sustainable Mortgage Finance at an Affordable Cost


Serena Pereira
[javascript protected email address]

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