AIRAH’s PreLoved Buildings Conference 2014

Dr Vyt Garnys, Managing Director of CETEC is speaking at this conference on Thursday 14 as one of three speakers in an IEQ panel session (Indoor Environment Quality)

GENERAL INFO about the conference

The latest in the series of AIRAH PreLoved Buildings conferences will be held at Doltone House, in Pyrmont, Sydney, from November 13–14. AIRAH CEO Phil Wilkinson, M.AIRAH, says that bringing the existing building stock in Australia up to speed is equally as important as the focus on new high-performing structures.It’s this imperative that’s inspired the conference’s tagline of “Preloved buildings reloved”.”We all know that existing buildings comprise the lion’s share of the energy and emissions consumption in the built environment, that most of our initiatives have short pay-back periods, and improve the lot of building owners and tenants alike,” Wilkinson says. “Why then is it so hard for building upgrade projects to get funded and get off the ground?

“This year’s PreLoved Buildings Conference will focus on talking the talk as well as walking the walk: how to communicate effectively, how to be heard, how to build effective relationships – with both your buildings and the people who own them – and how to show real value.”


  • Melbourne’s Council House 2 (CH2) in review
  • Re-lifing and recycling buildings
  • Optimising the workplace environment to maximise productivity
  • Case studies: Existing building upgrades
  • Rule-based fault-detection technology
  • Rating tools update
  • Revision of AS3598:2000 Energy Audits
  • Saving energy through better air filtration for healthy indoor environments
  • The new international standard ISO 12759 Fans – Efficiency classification

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