An ecosystem approach to solving plastic waste

An ecosystem approach to solving plastic waste

Plastic pollution threatens communities, marine life, and the Earth’s ecosystems. A recent WWF Philippines report estimated that about 2.15 million tonnes of plastics are generated annually in the country.

To address this, WWF is implementing the No Plastics in Nature initiative where it works with cities, policy-makers, and businesses in eliminating unnecessary plastics, shifting to sustainable inputs, and doubling global reuse, recovery, and recycling.

Part of this initiative is the Plastic Smart Cities, a global movement of cities and tourist destinations who are working on eliminating plastic pollution through innovation.

What will it take to end plastic pollution? While “global momentum for a fundamental plastics rethink is greater than ever,’ according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in a 2017 report “Catalysing Action,” getting from where we are today where plastic is entrenched in our systems and lifestyle, to a new plastics economy where ultimately plastic is kept within the economy and out of the environment will require a wholistic approach, not just partial solutions that are necessary but insufficient.

It will require downstream and upstream solutions coupled with circular economy practices and infrastructure; it will require concerted effort from suppliers, consumers, corporations, governments, innovators, activists, NGOs, entrepreneurs, financial institutions. It will require audacious goals and a lot of funding.

About the Webinar

This webinar aims to tackle this important question “What will it take to end plastic pollution?” The theme of the webinar is Bold leadership, radical collaboration, inclusive innovation, and decisive action to achieve no plastic in nature by 2030. This webinar is bringing together speakers from the government, impact investing, the private sector, and the NGO sector to share knowledge and perspectives on how to achieve No Plastic in Nature by 2030 - a goal and challenge of the WWF Plastic Smart Cities initiative.

As important, the webinar brings together stakeholders to engage with impact entrepreneurs innovating on solutions to the plastic waste problem through bootcamp, an incubation program by xchange, in partnership with WWF Philippines, The Incubation Network, and make sense, designed to help the entrepreneurs build sustainable and impactful enterprises.

About Plastic Smart Cities

Plastic Smart Cities is a WWF initiative working with cities worldwide to keep plastic out of nature. Since 2018, the initiative supports cities and coastal centres that are taking bold action to stop plastic pollution. WWF is working with 25 pilot cities to achieve a 30 plastic reduction in plastic leakage by 2025, through better waste management and advancing circular economy. Together, we aim to achieve 1000 plastic-smart cities globally to join this movement by 2030.

About bootcamp

Over five months, from April to August this 2021, selected entrepreneurs will learn from experts in innovation and systems thinking, marketing, accounting, strategic planning, the circular economy, gender lens investing, and pilot designing, among others. They will go through a rigorous process including classes, learning by doing workshops, interactions with mentors and ecosystem leaders, and peer learning activities in a safe space that will allow them to gain knowledge and skills, reflect, and build relationships with other stakeholders to help them establish their businesses and prepare them for investment readiness.

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