ASEAN Energy Business Forum 2017

Theme: One ASEAN Community Through Resilient and Sustainable Energy

AEBF 2017 consists of:

Ministers-CEOs Dialogue: A closed-door Ministers-CEOs Dialogue between the 10 ASEAN Ministers of Energy and CEOs of no more than 12 active energy companies in the Region, for strategic discussions on meeting the energy demands of ASEAN’s fast growing economies.

Conference: A conference which will include focused discussions on Regional Issues, NatGas/LNG, Role of Coal, Renewable Energy, Digital Energy, and Nuclear Energy. The theme for this conference will be “One ASEAN Community Through Resilient and Sustainable Energy”.

Exhibition: This will feature Powertrends, the largest and longest running international energy exhibition in the Philippines. This will feature key players in all aspects of energy: power generation, transmission and distribution, oil and gas, renewable and clean energy, coal, energy efficiency, energy management, energy conservation, smart grid, energy for transport, electrical equipment, logistics and storage, lighting and all energy-related products and services. It will also showcase the winners of the ASEAN energy awards.

Meetings with Dialogue Partners: Meetings with our Dialogue Partners outside ASEAN including Australia, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Russia and the United States.

Joint Official Opening with ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM): The joint official opening of the 35th AMEM, the AEBF, associated meetings with ASEAN’s Dialogue Partners and the Powertrends international exhibition.

Gala Dinner/Awards Night: A gala dinner/awards night for ASEAN awardees for outstanding contributions to energy development, each awardee to be presented a trophy by an ASEAN Minister of Energy. Started in 2000, AEA is Southeast Asia’s prestigious annual awards programme that recognizes outstanding work for excellence, creativity, practicality and dedication to a cause in the field of energy.

B to B Meetings: Meetings to generate business opportunities in the region can be arranged on request.

Technical Presentations: There will be technical presentations by international agencies and companies.

Networking Cocktail: A networking cocktail for ASEAN government officials, Powertrends exhibitors/sponsors, AEBF delegates and invited guests.


Elizabeth Cruz / Mila Sapaden
[javascript protected email address]

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