Australian Water Association National Water Policy Summit

Water needs to be repositioned in our national debate as a major economic driver for Australia’s future, and industry now needs to take a strong lead in that process.

Australian Water Association are hosting the National Policy Summit to focus on setting the priorities to shape an ‘industry-led’ water strategy to drive Australia’s future prosperity.

The Summit will include some of Australia’s most influential and engaging industry leaders from the water, resources and agribusiness sectors whose future prospects remain dependent on the sustainable management of water.

If you feel strongly that we need to realign our national priorities around water then the Summit will be the opportunity for you to contribute to this important national discussion.


To determine the priorities for a national water strategy the Summit will consider the following challenges and preferred solutions to:

  • Climate variability and how governments and industry need a new approach to planning
  • Reforming how the water sector is regulated and structured
  • Private sector participation in the management of our rural and urban water assets to expand our productive industries
  • Adjusting community perceptions and values of water

Speakers include

  • Professor Quentin Grafton, Chairholder UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance, The John Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Mike Harold, Principal Advisor – Water Policy, Rio Tinto
  • Gerry Lawson, Chairman, SunRice
  • Ann Burns, Growth & Strategy Lead for Asia Pacific, Accenture
  • Matthew Williams, Partner Risk Services, Deloitte
  • Tony Kelly, Previous Managing Director, Yarra Valley Water
  • Francois Gouws, Managing Director, Trility
  • Thibaut de Crisnay, Managing Director, Veolia Water Technologies Australia
  • Kim Morison, Managing Director, Blue Sky Water Partners
  • Dr Martin van Bueren, Director, Synergies Consulting

Australian Water Association/Deloitte State of the Water Sector Report 2014

The Summit will also see the release of the results of the Australian Water Association/Deloitte State of the Water Sector Report 2014 that details the outcomes of Australia’s most extensive annual water industry survey.


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