Biogas & Biomass Energy Asia Summit 2024 Vietnam Focus

Biogas & Biomass Energy Asia Summit 2024 Vietnam Focus

As an agricultural country, Vietnam has a strong potential for bioenergy due to its available biomass resources from post-harvesting and post-processing agroforest residues and waste such as bagasse, straw and rice husks, and other agricultural/industrial by-products, as well as livestock waste for biogas.

However, only a small proportion of the almost 60 million tons of estimated biomass residue in Vietnam is energetically utilised. The country’s installed capacity of biomass electrical energy was only 391.1 MW in 2019.

On May 15,2023, the Vietnamese government released Vietnam’s Eight Power Development Plan (PDP8) for the period of 2021-2030, According to its revised Power Development Plan VIII (PDP8) and Renewable Energy Development Strategy, Biomass energy, especially from wood pellets to drive the development of forest plantation and wood processing industries in Vietnam, is prioritised with the aim to reach 2.27 GW of power generation by 2030

Why you should attend?

  • To share best practices and lessons learned in the truly regional biogas & biomass event in Southeast Asia
  • To get up to date positions on future biogas & biomass development.
  • To discuss strategies with biomass companies that are leading the way in biomass commercialization.
  • To establish potential new contacts in the biomass supply chain.
  • To enhance business collaboration between local and regional enterprises, government agencies, industry groups, and research institutions

Biomass exhibitor profile

  • Biomass Boilers, Biomass treatment Equipment, Biomass Gasification Technology & Equipment
  • Biomass Power Generation Products & Equipment
  • Biogas Technology & Biogas Engineering Equipment, Etc.
  • Gas Power Generation & Power Machinery
  • Biomass Solid Fuel Compression Molding Equipment, Particles Machine, Grinder, Straw Briquette Machine Equipment, Etc.
  • Fuel Ethanol Technology & Pro
  • Biodiesel Technology & Products
  • Biomass Solid Fuel
  • Moulding Fuel Equipment & Application Technology
  • Biomass Direct Combustion Technology & Equipment
  • Biomass & Coal Blending Technology
  • Aviation Biofuels Materials & Equipment
  • Micro Algae Biological Materials & Equipment

Product spectrum

  • Planners/Manufacturers of Bio Plants
  • Manufacturers/Suppliers of Plant Components
  • Substrate Provision
  • Agricultural Engineering/Biomass Logistics
  • Services/Consulting
  • Industry Platform for Biogas Plants
  • Annual Conference of the Southeast Biogas & Biomass
  • Growth Market for Biomass & Biogas Plants
  • Barometer for the Biomass & Biogas Industry
  • Priority on personal Contact


Jerry Wu
[javascript protected email address]

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