Bloomberg Green at COP26

Bloomberg Green at COP26

In November, world leaders will gather in Glasgow to accelerate global climate action. Against the backdrop of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Bloomberg will convene corporate leaders, government officials and industry specialists from NGOs, IGOs and academia for events and conversations focused on creating solutions to support the goals set forth at COP26.

Leveraging Bloomberg’s exclusive data and reporting, topics will include achieving net zero, cutting carbon and methane emissions, re-imagining the built environment, accelerating the adoption of renewable energy, advancing the transition to green transportation, investing in climate technologies and the impact of weather.

Bloomberg will host a series of events across the week of November 8th, both on the ground in Glasgow and streaming live and on demand in virtual hub.

We look forward to seeing you in Glasgow and virtually to engage in these critical topics during COP26.


Shino Ling
[javascript protected email address]

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