Carbon Footprinting Course- Online

This course runs from 19:30 - 21:00 over 4 sessions.

The hands on applied approach of this course ensures that you will develop the technical knowledge and the business skills critical for the effective implementation of carbon accounting in the workplace. Through support and instruction from our industry experienced instructors you will be guided through the workplace strategies for effectively overcoming obstacles and challenges often faced in the workplace.

This Course is Relevant to Those Who:

  • Have a requirement (responsibility) to measure, monitor and report the greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions for their organisation
  • Are assessing the direct or indirect impact of carbon pricing (tax) on their organisation
  • Using or evaluating carbon accounting software but don’t understand the why, how and so what of its use as a business intelligence tool
  • Are pursuing a reduction in greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions for corporate social responsibility objectives, triple/quadruple bottom line reporting or compliance purposes

Course Program:

Evening 1
• Ecological footprinting v. Carbon footprinting
• Why footprint – how did we get here?
• Standards
• Terminology
• Baseline and adjustments

Evening 2
• Boundaries
• Emissions Legislation & Regulations
• NGERs*, EEO & Clean Energy Legislation
• GHG Scopes
• Introduction to Emissions factors

Evening 3
• Emissions factors in detail
• National Accounts Factors
• Measurement, Data Management & Reporting Tools
• Sector specific, cross sector, DIY, Commerical

Evening 4
• Data collection – techniques & practices
• Capturing and managing data in the workplace
• Monitoring
• Uncertainly and Confidence Intervals

*NGERs covered generally, not to auditor level (for NGERs Audit Compliance Training click here)

This Course Covers:

  • the technical background to carbon footprinting
  • global warming potential and emissions scopes
  • accounting methodologies
  • overcoming data collection pitfalls
  • reporting; voluntary & compliance
  • standards and guidelines
  • capturing business benefits from intelligence tools

Students Undertaking This Course Receive:

  • A structured program of delivery that meets strict accredited workforce training standards
  • A learner guide complete with course materials case studies, toolkits & assessment tasks
  • Classroom facilitation from industry experienced instructors
  • Free access to a commercial grade carbon accounting tool for the duration of the course
  • A statement of attainment in two units of competency contained in the nationally accredited Certificate III in Carbon Management and Cert IV in Carbon Management qualifications*
  • A two unit credit toward either the Certificate III in Carbon Management qualification or the Certificate IV in Carbon Management qualification*

* eligibility subject to successfully completing the assessment requirements of the course


AUS $654 (GST Free) Course Only

AUS $754 (GST Free) Course with assessment and Certificate of Attainment*


Robert Nicholls
[javascript protected email address]

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