Community Investment Forum: Investing in Education

Education is a key focus for Community Investment in many organisations and millions of corporate dollars go into supporting education each year.

Join us at the CSR Asia annual Community Investment Forum 2015 where we will be exploring if this investment has resulted in more successful and impactful education outcomes and asking the question - how do we know? At the event we’ll also be discussing key questions such as, should every company choose to support education, and if so which aspect of education will leverage the most business expertise and resources? Which partners should companies work with? What prior knowledge does a company need to have before determining which education intervention to support?

The Forum will provide attendees with a more strategic approach to the education programmes they support, and a better understanding of the impact they are having. It will also provide access to a network of partners in education – from NGOs, CCI professionals, government representatives and other education providers.


Karen Legaspi
[javascript protected email address]

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