Developments in Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Markets - Japan and Asia

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) will hold their 3rd joint conference on Developments in Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Markets in Tokyo on 9 October 2019 following the remarkable scale and seniority of attendance at the 2018 event and the Japanese market’s strong growth.

The Asia-Pacific green bond market is growing faster than any other region (35 per cent increase in issuance from 2017 to 2018) and has the most issuers (222) of any region. The Japanese market has been amongst the most dynamic, with issuance growing by around 66 per cent to US$4bn equivalent in 2018. In the context of the vast scale and global importance of the Japanese bond market, growing Japanese activity in sustainable finance is attracting widespread attention.

Also, many of the national governments in Asia-Pacific, including Japan, are innovators in sustainable finance policy and guidelines. The Japanese Ministry of the Environment’s guidance on green bonds and associated measures, including the knowledge sharing platform, present an advanced example of official support for the market. Among Asian regional bodies, the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum has adapted the Principles for regional purposes.

Japan has also been a leader in promoting the SDGs, an initiative with which its securities industry has proactively collaborated. The Principles support pursuit of the SDGs through the mapping of the Principles to the SDGs, published in 2018.

The event will bring important updates and debates on the rapid evolution of the market and official guidance internationally. The Tokyo conference will once again bring together issuers, underwriters, investors, policymakers, market infrastructure and service providers who are active in the Asian green and social bond markets.

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