Earth Venture Studio: Founder Batch 1.5

Earth Venture Studio: Founder Batch 1.5

🔥Up to 55,000 USD total funding per team
👉 Apply here (mandatory requirement)

Earth Venture Studio, backed by Earth Venture Capital, is a venture studio working with ecopreneurs to co-found startups that solve climate challenges through digital solutions.

We are looking for Founder Batch 1.5 - Impact innovators to work towards the global climate change goal - of keeping the global rising temperature below 1.5℃ and rapidly cutting emissions to net-zero by 2050 through ambitious venture ideas with a realistic approach.

As an institutional co-founder, Earth Venture Studio provides entrepreneurs exclusive support including strategy formulation, product evaluation process design, and access to insightful resources.

✅ A strong network of experts, mentors, advisors
✅ 1:1 coaching and follow-ups
✅ Physical facilities and back-office support including finance, accounting, legal, etc.
✅ A pre-seed funding of up to 55,000 USD

🌎 Let co-reverse climate change with entrepreneurship:

▪️Visit our website and apply here
▪️Registration deadline: 03 July, 22 (Early Decision), 17 July, 22 (Regular Deadline)

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