Energy Storage Europe

About the event

Energy Storage Europe 2016 is the trade fair with the world’s largest conference programme on energy storage. The event consists of the 5th Energy Storage Conference and the 10th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference. The focuses will be on economy and finance as well as science and social policy. The 5th OTTI-Conference Power-to-Gas and 9th Storage Day side events are taking place at the same time at the exhibition centre in Düsseldorf. Approximately 125 exhibitors and 3,000 participants from more than 45 countries are expected to attend.

A foretaste of the program

Amongst others Clemens Triebel, the Younicos Chief Visionary Officer, will be speaking at the Energy Storage Conference. His thesis is that islands are the best role-models for the German, as well as the global transition to renewable energy. “If we’re aiming for a high percentage of solar and wind energy, the expansion of renewables has to be matched with sufficient storage capacity from the start,” he says.

According to Triebel the energy transition is being unnecessarily slowed down and made more expensive by clinging to an outdated way of thinking: “We still produce power according to a 19th century paradigm which holds that energy is best produced by large generators that rotate constantly. If we contiue to cling to this notion, the grid will continue to be taken up by coal, gas and nuclear energy, blocking space for solar and wind energy more and more frequently.”

Want to know more?

Come to Energy Storage Europe 2016 - listen to and engage with global leaders of the energy storage industry.


Carolin Markowski
[javascript protected email address]

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