GCC Waste Management & Recycling Forum

Waste management and recycling is an important part of the urban infrastructure as it ensures the protection of the environment and of human health. It is not only a technical environmental issue but also a highly political one. The impact of waste management on the environment has been widely recognized in the GCC Region.Waste needs to be safely managed because it is potentially hazardous to the human health and the environment. Globally there has been a rapid change in environment due to the increasing waste generated from every sector running into Billion tons of waste produced per year.

We are pleased to be bringing together the research and academic communities with industry and regulators for two days of discussion around the waste management & recycling challenges and opportunities facing the different sector in the region. It aims to deliver essential learning and sharing of international best practice to help improve performance, foster a healthy work culture, and ensure a sustainable environment. In addition,

We encourage all relevant organizations both solutions seekers and solution providers to attend and actively participate in the GCC Waste Management & Recycling Forum Dubai 2018.


Aqeel Ahmed
[javascript protected email address]

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