GLOBE 2014

For the last 25 years, the GLOBE™ Conference has been at the forefront of new ideas and insights on business and sustainability. GLOBE™ has helped corporations understand and embed sustainability into their operations, influenced the international debate on climate change, and developed the global marketplace for environmental and energy technologies and services.

In a world filled with risk and uncertainty, the GLOBE 2014 Conference will provide provocative insights on the world’s most pressing environmental and sustainability-related issues. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity to find out how you and your organization can be best positioned in order to survive and succeed, both now and over the coming decade.

Hot topics at GLOBE 2014 include:

  • The Changing Energy Landscape
  • The Search for Clean and Abundant Water
  • The Future of Global Food Security
  • Building Resilient Cities
  • Strategic Resource Management
  • Clean Capitalism
  • China – Our Shared Future
  • Advancing Sustainability through Performance Verification

Conference sessions will be dynamic panels where experts and audience get to react and interact on the most pressing issues. Over the years, these sessions have drawn the ‘best and brightest’ of the international sustainable business community, making GLOBE an outstanding networking opportunity.

GLOBE 2014 will offer:

  • In-Depth Review of challenging issues at the nexus between people, planet, and profit
  • Critical Insights from more than 150 speakers and innovators
  • Active Participation through new interactive sessions, workshops, and networking
  • Real World Take-Aways including important lessons, innovative solutions, and valuable new tools


Nancy Wright
[javascript protected email address]

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