Group Exhibit H2+FC+BAT

Group Exhibit H2+FC+BAT 2018, April 23-27 (Hall 27, C66 Exhibition Grounds Hanover, Germany)

150 companies from 25 countries will present their products at the 5.000 m² large exhibition area in Hall 27 of HANNOVER MESSE 2018. The Ride & Drive open air site offers everyone a chance to test-drive fuel cell cars themselves. Already for the 24th time international exhibitors will showcase the entire spectrum of these technologies - starting with hydrogen generation, via stationary and mobile fuel cell applications. The focal point of the Group Exhibit will be on hydrogen generation as a solution to store renewable energy from, e.g., photovoltaic and wind systems. This event will be held in Hanover, GERMANY.


Tobias Renz
[javascript protected email address]

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