IES Green Festival 2023

IES Green Festival 2023

How is Singapore becoming a green, resource-efficient and climate-resilient nation? How can I play a part as a student in dealing with the most pressing challenges facing mankind? How are engineering innovations making our planet greener and our future more sustainable?

Join the inaugural IES Green Festival to learn, explore and re-imagine engineering possibilities for a more sustainable future through talks, challenges, games, exhibitions and other fun activities.

To be held on 4 March 2023 at the Science Centre Singapore, the IES Green Fest is Singapore’s anchor activity for the World Engineering Day (WED) 2023 celebrations involving more than 100 nations and carrying the theme ‘Engineering Innovation for a more Resilient World’.

Jointly organised by The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) and Science Centre Singapore, the IES Green Festival aims to educate, engage and inspire everyone to make everyone an active steward of sustainable development.

Event highlights include:

  • Fireside Chat with Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment
  • Tech Talk: future green technologies and innovations for a sustainable future
  • Exhibition Showcase: thinking and doing things the innovative and sustainable way
  • Bicycle Dynamo Challenge: power up in a green way
  • Green Trivia Challenge: trail your way to the answers
  • Sustainability Drones Challenge: plan your route to reduce carbon footprint
  • Green Nation Pledge: towards a sustainable, resource-efficient and climate-resilient Singapore

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