International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management

The 6th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM15), is organized by academics and researchers belonging to the Areas of Engineering of the C3i/Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (Portugal) and the Extremadura University (Spain), with the technical support of ScienceKnow Conferences. The event has has the objective of creating an international forum for academics, researchers and scientists from worldwide to discuss results and proposals regarding to the soundest issues related to the efficient use of Energy and the Energetic Conversion Systems, and also to analyze the different solutions focused on the reduction of the impact caused by energetic systems on the environment and the environment preservation, concerning other activity sectors and society. It will be held in Paris from 22 to 24 July 2014.

This event will include the participation of renowned keynote speakers, oral presentations, posters sessions and technical conferences related to the topics dealt with in the Scientific Program as well as an attractive social and cultural program.

The papers will be published in the Proceedings e-book. Those communications considered of having enough quality can be further considered for publication in International Journals. At the authors’ choice, those works not suitable for publication in any of the congress journals will be published in an Extended Abstracts book of the International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management, once the Conference has finished.

The Conference will also have a space for companies and/or institutions to present their products, services, innovations and research results. If you or your company is interested in participating of this exhibition, please contact the Technical Secretariat here.

Finally, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite all the Scientific Community to participate in this project, presenting papers or communications related to any of the proposed areas.

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