Internet of Things Event 2016

New businesses and new inventions in traditional businesses are embracing Smart Technology and Internet of Things looking for new business opportunities and creating value from existing products and services. During the first edition of the Internet of Things conference in Amsterdam on 29 September 2015 thought-leaders, tech developers and professionals alike joined the stage to inspire, scare and motivate attendees.

Connecting the world through Smart Technology

The continuing rise of Smart Technology in Technology hubs around the world has definitely landed in the Netherlands. New initiatives are growing faster and swifter than during any other tech revolution. The Things Network for instance managed to set up a complete city-wide network in Amsterdam in just 6 weeks using crowdfunding and a new technology called LoraWAN ™ allowing things to talk to the internet without 3/4G or WiFi. The network is now rolling this out in many cities around the globe.

Join them and many more in the next edition on the 6th of April, 2016!


Adil Marra
[javascript protected email address]

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