Making Solar Bankable: Emerging Markets 2016

Making Solar Bankable: Emerging Markets 2016

Unlocking capital for solar project development in Asia, Africa and Latin America

Making Solar Bankable (18-19 February 2016, Amsterdam) is the unique international platform and 2-day conference focusing on unlocking capital for new solar project development in emerging markets.

-Build and expand your network with over 200 international key players: development banks, financiers, investors, project developers, IPPs, EPCs and other stakeholders involved in solar project development.

-Get a complete overview of opportunities and challenges in financing solar energy projects.

-Take part in over 15 hours of networking time with a unique crowd of financial and solar stakeholders.

-Join a dynamic, interactive event, featuring live debates, brainstorming sessions, open space time, networking moments and much more.


Hugo Uijlenbroek
[javascript protected email address]

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