Indian solar energy sector has made tremendous growth this year with project developers developing generation capacity of over 1600 MW. In 2011, India saw $10.3 billion of clean energy investments & Solar shows huge potential for growth in the country. In times to come achieving 20GW of solar energy requires large investments, market expansion, policy evolution as well as manpower / human resource to drive the sector sustainably. There are also aids to develop the off-grid lighting market and assessing the viability of solar component manufacturing.
This two days residential program presents concepts across policy dynamics, science, technology, & finance in a clear, business friendly manner. The program assumes no prior technical or financial background and is specifically designed for newcomers to both, or to those with knowledge in one of these areas but looking to place it in context of the other. It will appeal to business decision makers from a variety of job roles and sectors, requiring a thorough and rounded subject review, a market focused discussion and a chance to meet likeminded professionals.
Meghana Vyas
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