Masterclass on Process Industry Energy Audit

With the advent of the Energy Conservation Act, energy intensive Process Industries (Refineries, Petrochemical Plants, Specialty Chemicals and Food Processing) will have to submit annual Energy Efficiency improvement plans to the NEA. To be able to do that, Energy Audits need to be carried out annually to identify potential improvement areas.

As there are so many varied processes, equipment and systems, Energy Auditing in the Process Industry is therefore a demanding discipline in terms of the knowledge that is required as described above. Another facet that determines whether a facility is operated in an Energy Efficient way is whether it has good Energy Management System that ensures systematic measurement and control.

Course Objectives:

This Masterclass from Actsys Process Management Consultants Pte Ltd, in collaboration with SEAS, is intended to give an overview and to create an awareness of the knowledge required to carry out an Energy Audit.

Actual case studies from numerous Energy Audits that have been carried out by Actsys will be discussed to illustrate key learning points. Hands-on exercises will be provided with preconfigured spreadsheets for participants to visualise learning points.

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