Mastering Clean Ammonia

Mastering Clean Ammonia


Ammonia is a chemical commodity with long-established supply chains from production and distribution through to utilisation. However, its current production creates substantial carbon emissions, a fact at odds with public and policy desires for cleaner economies and industrial processes.

In addition to cleaning up the processes of the ammonia used in current chemical applications, producers have new reasons to be excited by the growth opportunities for clean ammonia. These opportunities lie in its possible role within the ‘energy transition’. In particular, there is much interest in the role of clean ammonia as either a carrier of hydrogen fuel, or as a fuel in its own right, in sectors such as shipping and power generation.

This time-efficient training course will provide attendees with a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to ammonia today and its prospects in a decarbonised world. Aimed at those in commercial, business-focused roles, including business development, strategy planning and investment, attendees will gain a clear description of the key technologies in language easily accessible to non-engineers. The market will be reviewed, illustrated by project examples, policy and strategy announcements from around the world. Clean ammonia’s competitive positioning will be examined and analysed from an independent, hype-free perspective, including the challenges and alternatives that it faces.

Course sessions

  1. Ammonia production pathways, current and emerging
  2. The role of clean ammonia in the energy transition
  3. Developing clean ammonia market demand and projects

Benefits of attending

  • Understand current & emerging methods of ammonia production
  • Assess the market utilisation of ammonia today, including its linkages with other sectors (including carbon capture and utilisation)
  • Identify the proposed growth paths for clean ammonia, including its expansion from chemical commodity to energy carrier or fuel
  • Quantify the potential scale of the market opportunities, in energy and economic terms
  • Analyse the co-existence / competition options for hydrogen and ammonia in different applications: which factors will most determine the market outcomes?
  • Review project announcements from around the world, including realistic timeframes and dependencies
  • Understand the practical and investment barriers to clean ammonia markets, including issues of product safety, handling and risk


Reanne Lee
[javascript protected email address]

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