NEA Environment Champion Workshop Series 2016 - Module: Project Management

Module: Project Management

This 1.5-day workshop focuses on practical training in project management that helps new ECs to conceptualise, manage and publicise environmental programmes for their organisations. Interactive group work will be conducted for participants to practise soft skills (e.g. brainstorming, ideas pitching and public speaking etc.). Participants also gain further insights through the educational site visit and sharing sessions by veteran NGO and corporate partners of NEA.

Day 1: 15 December 2016, Thursday (9.00am to 5.30pm)

Day 2: 16 December 2016, Friday (2.30pm to 6.00pm) - 0.5 day Site Visit, Optional

How participants will benefit from this workshop

  • Master the tools and techniques to plan, track and complete a project effectively on time and within budget.
  • Visit the Waste-to-Energy Incineration Plant to understand how energy is generated from waste.
  • Gain environmental knowledge from experts.
  • Learn skills to obtain buy-in and support from various stakeholders.
  • Understand the potential risks and possible solutions.
  • Develop a project plan that you can roll out immediately.

Workshop is complimentary and only open to corporate & NGO representatives.Terms and Conditions apply. Application is subjected to approval from NEA.

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